Stories about Working Groups from June, 2012
Photos: Global Voices Pre-Summit Internal Meeting
For three days in the run up to the Global Voices Summit 2012 in Nairobi, Kenya, our community has been meeting in private to discuss issues and ideas relating to Global Voices. To learn more about this process please see this longer post, but otherwise enjoy these images of Global Voices members meeting face-to-face!
Before the Summit, We Meet in Private
In the three days leading up to the Global Voices Summit, around 160 authors, editors, translators and others involved in the daily operation of Global Voices will be gathering in private for an internal meeting.
Introducing the Swahili for Summiteers Guide
Ready for The Global Voices Summit 2012? A small Working Group of Global Voices authors and editors spent the last few days working on this little treat: the "Swahili for Summiteers Guide". Download and enjoy!